

UX research over the years: This study included the analysis of UX field publications since 2000-2018 through an review and coding of over 800 empirical publications. A follow-up, a survey was issued to practitioners in the dataset inquiring about UX method priority in research, as distinct from evaluation. The study found that publications and practices vary: practitioners cite the value of qualitative triangulation but publish quantitative more readily studies. 

State of the field in teaching and learning: This study assessed the digital habits of teachers in the writing and communication field via surveys, interviews, and the collection of teacher artifacts. The survey revealed teachers rely on themselves for tech/digital assistance. Interviews showed that most teachers lack a cohesive digital pedagogy and instead rely on a patchwork of digital classroom activities to shape their teaching philosophy.

Prototyping teacher sharing: In this study, students were asked to prototype various iterations of a website designed for teachers to share digital content. Each of three prototypes were usability tested and later refined. The study helped to identify website requirements. 

Assessing the value of TW: This study included the evaluation a technical writing course by examining specific deliverables from the class. The evaluation included over 100 “letter to a future” student assignments, which where mapped to better tease out the actual takeaways from the class. The results indicated students valued peer review and writing stages as a critical in the TW course.

Leadership and collaboration: This study examined the language and behaviors of gamers playing for five (5) weeks in a virtual environment. Teams were recorded while gaming 10-hours a week. Methods included weekly surveys with follow-up interviews. Virtual leadership processes were found to mirror those in real world contexts, but applicable leadership theories operated differently in a virtual gaming environment.